Saturday, October 1, 2016

Inside a Beautiful Mind

Perhaps God - or his angels - plant the seeds of sweetness, goodness and love deep in our consciousness. Or perhaps they are inherent but distant parts of our souls.

Whatever their origin, these embryonic elements of ourselves must be carefully tended and grown.

Perhaps those who show us early love and tenderness play an important role. Or maybe we're on our own. That we must pilot our own path of destiny. We'll never know.

But what grows from those initial aspects of our beings fill the spaces that make us who we are.

In the very special few, it can become a place filled with serenity, patience, oneness and desire. An inner beauty illuminated by something that is hard to express. A light that is difficult to define.

It's inside those beautiful minds where charisma can be born.

We intuitively know when someone has this special kind of goodness inside. It's an unconscious, epigenetic recognition. We look twice. Listen better. Wonder.

We just know it.

It has nothing to do with being beautiful. It is not speech-making stuff. It's a different kind of hypnotism.

It's an undefinable knowing that we all share. We're all drawn to charisma by a powerful longing for our own goodness.

To be near it, somehow, is to also be special. That to be close to this kind of vortex is, by itself, inexplicably fulfilling.

So what is it? It is certainly part soul. But it's also about our ability to live happily inside our minds. A place where we have learned to feel and express love, in our own way, effortlessly.

Within the walls of those beautiful minds - they have discovered who they are. At least to the current way-point of their destiny. Their smiles are genuine. Their eyes sparkle with what lies behind them. They radiate something that is mysteriously compelling.

For others, a space that should have been seeded with goodness, happiness and sweetness - is sadly fallow. Too often, it can only be filled by something else - from the outside. Someone else's thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Physical, material things. Bitterness. Regret. Resentment. A sadness that a person cannot love themselves. That they cannot live happily in their own minds.

But, for those that have this special gift; this charisma; those that shine the most brightly, they may not even know it.

But they do know love.

On the inside.

And we long to be near it.

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