The love
dreamed in dreams
long past
Then walk again on the beach
dance again in the corn
journey the path of
scary discovery to its bittersweet end
To find, again
a brief, earthly heaven
A hidden, magical place
where your birds swirl and land around you,
drinking your shadow
swimming in its warmth
Absorbing your essence
singing quietly
waiting to be found
the special part of you
you thought you'd lost
you found it again there
in your summer sundress
And when you did, your tousled hair
fell across my face, eyes closed
Your breath flushed around my face,
warm, familiar, sweet with promise
Find your magical place again
it's at the end of that well-worn path
Where almost everyone gets lost
But you won't
You know where it is -
just over the dunes
between the lines of the dried cornstalks
among the skinny scarecrows
It's the only magical place
to breathe the warm summer wind
as it flows across the dunes and sand
through the beach grass
between the stalks of summer corn
through the branches of the apple tree
And where you can share the breath of July's love
and the salty, Coppertone smell of summer skin
and its heartfelt, sweet promise
A past that can only be found
For a short moment
until it slips back into winter
But you can always
just watch your birds
and braid your tiny braid
And dance life’s new dance
And maybe
remember a mystical moment
when you appeared in your summer sundress
and began a magical jouney